Goddess Gratitude | Kahlea

Goddess Kahlea

Introducing our beautiful model Kahlea.

"I-Jay is my Aunty and I loved spending this experience alongside such an awesome bunch of talented, supportive and encouraging women.

Going into the shoot I was nervous ... generally I don’t like having my photo taken. But after seeing my photos, I would say to anyone else feeling the same way ... ‘be kind to yourself’.

I-Jay’s designs are amazing. To see exactly the same garment on such different body types highlighted for me that fashion is not just about clothes ... it is about them enhancing every individuals personality and style.

It might sound cliche but beauty really does come in all different shapes and sizes ... beauty is not just based on form .. but on substance as well"

Hair and make up ~ Kahlea ... He wahine tino ataahua ahakoe te aha 
(a beautiful woman inside and out)
Photography ~ Kelly Newell